




联系方式 wangzb@ioz.ac.cn +86-10-64807050


  • 2004年9月 - 2010年7月,中国科学院动物研究所计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室获发育生物学博士学位。

  • 2006年6月 - 2008年6月,加拿大渥太华大学健康研究所,访问研究生。

  • 2000年9月 - 2004年7月,中国农业大学生物学院,获理学学士学位。 


  • 2017年1月 – 至今, 中国科学院动物研究所,研究员。

  • 2013年1月 - 2016年12月,中国科学院动物研究所,副研究员。

  • 2012年7月 - 2012年12月,中国科学院动物研究所,助理研究员。

  • 2010年7月 - 2012年6月,中国科学院动物研究所,博士后。


  • 哺乳动物卵泡发育及卵母细胞成熟机理。

  • 受精机制。

  • 卵母细胞源性的女性不育机制。

  • 生育力维持与重塑。


  1. Zhao ZH, Meng TG, Li A, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY#(2020). RNA-Seq transcriptome reveals different molecular responses during human and mouse oocyte maturation and fertilization. BMC Genomics. Jul 10;21(1):475.

  2. Zhou Q, Li J, Yue W, Li A, Meng TG, Lei WL, Fan LH, Ouyang YC, Schatten H, Wang ZB#,Sun QY#(2020). Cell division cycle 23 is required for mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. FASEB J. Jul;34(7):8990-9002

  3. Zhou Q, Meng QR, Meng TG, He QL, Zhao ZH, Li QN, Lei WL, Liu SZ, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY#(2020). Deletion of BAF250a affects oocyte epigenetic modifications and embryonic development. Mol Reprod Dev. May;87(5):550-564.

  4. Lei WL, Han F, Hu MW, Liang QX, Meng TG, Zhou Q, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY#(2020). Protein phosphatase 6 is a key factor regulating spermatogenesis. Cell Death Differ. Jun;27(6):1952-1964.

  5. Liang QX*, Wang ZB*, Lei WL, Lin F, Qiao JY, Filhol-Cochet O, Boldyreff B, Schatten H, Sun QY, Qian WP(2020). Deletion of Ck2β gene causes germ cell development arrest and azoospermia in male mice. Cell Prolif. Jan;53(1):e12726.

  6. Fan LH*, Wang ZB*, Li QN, Meng TG, Dong MZ, Hou Y, Ouyang YC, Schatten H, Sun QY(2019).Absence of mitochondrial DNA methylation in mouse oocyte maturation, aging and early embryo development.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Jun 11;513(4):912-918.

  7. Huang L*, Meng TG*, Ma XS*, Wang ZB*, Qi ST, Chen Q, Zhang QH, Liang QX, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Guo L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Zhao Y, Sun QY(2019).Rad9a is involved in chromatin decondensation and post-zygotic embryo development in mice. Cell Death Differ. May;26(5):969-980.

  8. Meng TG, Lu X, Guo L, Hou GM, Ma XS, Li QN, Huang L, Fan LH, Zhao ZH, Ou XH, OuYang YC, Schatten H, Li L, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2019). Mettl14 is required for mouse postimplantation development by facilitating epiblast maturation. FASEB J. Jan;33(1):1179-1187.

  9. Liang QX*, Wang ZB*, Lin F*, Zhang CH, Sun HM, Zhou L, Zhou Q, Schatten H, Odile FC, Brigitte B, Sun QY, Qian WP(2018). Ablation of beta subunit of protein kinase CK2 in mouse oocytes causes follicle atresia and premature ovarian failure. Cell Death Dis. May 1;9(5):508.

  10.  Lei R, Bai X, Chang Y, Li J, Qin Y, Chen K, Gu W, Xia S, Zhang J, Wang Z#, Xing G#(2018).Effects of Fullerenol Nanoparticles on Rat Oocyte Meiosis Resumption. Int J Mol Sci. Mar 1;19(3).

  11. Wang ZB*, Hao JX*, Meng TG, Guo L, Dong MZ, Fan LH, Ouyang YC, Wang G, Sun QY, Ou XH, Yao YQ (2017). Transfer of autologous mitochondria from adipose tissue-derived stem cells rescues oocyte quality and infertility in aged mice. Aging (Albany NY). Dec 27;9(12):2480-2488.

  12. Yuan Y, Ma XS, Liang QX, Xu ZY, Huang L, Meng TG, Lin F, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2017). Geminin deletion in pre-meiotic DNA replication stage causes spermatogenesis defect and infertility. J Reprod Dev. Oct 18;63(5):481-488.

  13. Meng TG, Hu MW, Ma XS, Huang L, Liang QX, Yuan Y, Hou Y, Wang H, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2017). Oocyte-specific deletion of furin leads to female infertility by causing early secondary follicle arrest in mice. Cell Death Dis. Jun 1;8(6):e2846.

  14. Hu MW, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Dong MZ, Schatten H, Xu X, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2016). Protein Phosphatase 6 Protects Prophase I-Arrested Oocytes by Safeguarding Genomic Integrity. PLoS Genet. Dec 8;12(12):e1006513.

  15. Wang ZB, Ma XS, Hu MW, Jiang ZZ, Meng TG, Dong MZ, Fan LH, Ouyang YC, Snapper SB, Schatten H, Sun QY(2016).Oocyte-specific deletion of N-WASP does not affect oocyte polarity, but causes failure of meiosis II completion. Mol Hum Reprod. Sep, 22(9):613-21.

  16. Ma XS, Lin F, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Huang L, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2016). Geminin Deletion in Mouse Oocytes Results in Impaired Embryo Development and Reduced Fertility. Mol Biol Cell. Mar 1;27(5):768-75.

  17. Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Ma XS, Schatten H, Fan HY, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2016). LKB1 acts as a critical gatekeeper of ovarian primordial follicle pool. Oncotarget. Feb 2; 7(5):5738-53.

  18. Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Teng Y*, Jiang ZZ, Ma XS, Hou N, Cheng X, Schatten H, Xu X, Yang X, Sun QY(2015). Loss of protein phosphatase 6 in oocytes causes failure of meiosis II exit and impaired female fertility. J Cell Sci. Oct 15;128(20):3769-80.

  19. Liang QX, Zhang QH, Qi ST, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Ma XS, Zhu MS, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY#(2015). Deletion of Mylk1 in oocytes causes delayed morula-to-blastocyst transition and reduced fertility without affecting folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation in mice. Biol Reprod. 92(4):97.

  20. Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Jiang ZZ, Qi ST, Huang L, Liang QX, Schatten H, Sun QY (2014). Scaffold Subunit Aalpha of PP2A Is Essential for Female Meiosis and Fertility. Biol Reprod 91(1):19.

  21. Jiang ZZ*, Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Huang L, Lin F, Qi ST, Ouyang YC, Fan HY, Schatten H, Mak TW, Sun QY (2014). Survivin is essential for fertile egg production and female fertility in mice. Cell Death Dis 5:e1154.

  22. Wang ZB, Jiang ZZ, Zhang QH, Hu MW, Huang L, Ou XH, Guo L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Brakebusch C, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013).Specific deletion of Cdc42 does not affect meiotic spindle organization/migration and homologous chromosome segregation, but disrupts polarity establishment and cytokinesis in mouse oocyte. Mol Biol Cell 24(24):3832-41.

  23. Qiao J*, Wang ZB*, Feng HL*, Miao YL, Wang Q, Yu Y, Wei YC, Yan J, Wang WH, Shen W, Sun SC, Schatten H, Sun QY(2014). The root of reduced fertility in aged women and possible therapentic options: Current status and future perspects. Mol Aspects Med 38:54-85.

  24. Huang L*, Wang ZB*, Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Lin F, Zhang QH, Luo YB, Hou Y, Zhao Y, Fan HY, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). Specific disruption of Tsc1 in ovarian granulosa cells promotes ovulation and causes progressive accumulation of corpora lutea. PLoS One (1):e54052.

  25. Wang ZB,Schatten H, Sun QY (2011).Why is Chromosome Segregation Error in Oocytes Increased With Maternal Aging? Physiology (Bethesda) 26(5):314-25.

  26. Wang ZB, Ou XH, Tong JS, Li S, Wei L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Sun QY (2010). The SUMO pathway functions in mouse oocyte maturation. Cell Cycle 9(13):2638-44.

  27. Wang L*,Wang ZB*, Zhang X, Harris GF, Baltz JM, Sun QY, Liu XJ (2008). Brefeldin A disrupts asymmetric spindle positioning in mouse oocytes. Dev Biol 313(1):155-66.